Apple Confirms Battery Drain on iPhone 4S, Promises Software Fix

Early predictions that the iPhone 4S would have battery issues have been proven true by early users’ complaints that the new iPhone doesn’t hold its charge. Apple confirmed today that there’s a glitch; will issue a software update to address the issue.
Since the release of the iPhone 4S, early adopters have been complaining of low battery life, even when running only the most basic apps and services on the phone, such as e-mail and texting. Today, Apple confirmed that the iPhone 4S’s battery is performing badly, and that they will address the issue with a software update, which will curtail excess battery drain.
Apple guru Jim Dalrymple of The Loop confirmed today that Apple had contacted him directly about the issue in order to get the word out to iPhone 4S users that they are aware of the situation and are moving quickly to rectify it: “A small number of customers have reported lower than expected battery life on iOS 5 devices,” an Apple spokesperson told The Loop. “We have found a few bugs that are affecting battery life and we will release a software update to address those in a few weeks.”
While ” a few weeks” may seem like a lifetime for iPhone 4S users who are suffering from high battery drain, the fact that Apple is addressing the situation so quickly only proves how real the problem is.
Way back on October 6th, the iPhone 5 News Blog was the first tech blog to voice concerns about the battery on the iPhone 4S, noting that by upgrading the processor and operating system, adding Siri, and tweaking the display (a revelation that came later in reporting), but not upgrading the battery, longevity would be a concern for the new iPhone. Much in the same way that iPhone 3Gs users complained of a sluggish battery in light of the 3G’s performance, so too are iPhone 4S users experiencing lethargic battery life compared to the iPhone 4.
Apple’s software update will doubtlessly improve the battery life, as will to some degree the best practices guides and tips out there on  the web. But it remains to be seen if a software update can really make a substantial difference for the iPhone 4S’s battery performance as long as the A5 processor is purring inside of it.

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