Purported, New Earbuds For The iPhone 5 Emerge

Newly leaked photos of what are said to be the iPhone 5's earbuds show a new design. But is this just another fabricated ruse?
I’m not sure if earbuds are much more exciting to talk about than dock connectors. In my opinion, Apple’s current earbuds are pretty great compared to the other crappy earbuds you get with even some of the higher-end Android smartphones. That being said, earbuds are a means to an end — much like a dock connector — and changing the earbud design isn’t something that I’ve ever heard people calling for.
Even still, that’s what’s on the iPhone 5 rumor-disucussing agenda today.
According to MacRumors, the “Vietnamese site Tinhte.vn has posted a video of what it claims to be redesigned headphones for the new iPhone which is expected in September.” I don’t know what to make of the fact that the video has seen been made private — that’s either indication that Apple is extremely angry that these photos were released, or that these bogus photos are bringing way too much attention to the site in question. Take your pick. But the captured photo above gives us a good glimpse at them nonetheless.
iphone 5 earbud cable

This is a translated transcript of the now-defunct video:
In my hands are the new earphones for the iPhone 5 that is about to come out – Apple’s next generation of iPod [sic]. These will replace the current earphones that are on the market. These are manufactured at Phax Co factory in Vietnam. They have the appearance of a horse’s head, not like earbuds. When they are worn, they have a much smaller profile. They have the appearance of a fully integrated, single unit – there’s no part that looks like it would come apart – not like earbuds; the integrated design is characteristic of Apple products. Here I have the old earphones for comparison. The new ones are much smaller; when they are worn, they do not hurt the way earbuds do. You can see on the old ones the surface is a separate part that looks like it can be detached – not like the small surface of the new one. The old earphones were mostly made in China, with some in Vietnam. But the new ones are clearly made in Vietnam. (Reading from the wires): “Designed by Apple in California, assembled in Vietnam.”
MacRumors doesn’t really make any comments themselves on earbud design, but I would agree that the idea of “unibody” earbuds is very Apple. But there are some oddities to the design that call it somewhat into question for me.
First is the ize of the speakers built into the earbuds — they are remarkably small. There are examples of how very expensive, boutique speakers, from companies such as Bone, can produce big sound even when the speakers themselves are small. But in the case of earbuds, the size of the speaker and sound source would have a profound impact on the sound quality. A tiny speaker like the one used in this design would mean that the soundwaves would expand out into the eardrum from a considerably narrow starting point, meaning that the coverage of the wave would not necessarily be as expansive as traditional earbuds. A good example of the difference is between large, studio-style headphones that envelop the ear versus earbuds — the former has provocatively better sound.
Another strange design is the divot in the side of the earbud.
There would be no reason to have a second speaker on the side of the earbud, pushing up against the side of the ear canal, would there? The sound wave should shoot freely into the eardrum, not be muted by the side of the ear.
Finally, I’d take issue with the reviewer’s claim that this is a seamless earbud design. This photo appears to show a seam, making it a two-piece assembly like most other earbuds that I’ve ever seen:

iPhone 5 earbud side
The claim is that these earbuds are being produced in a Foxconn facility in Vietnam. Is that possible? Certainly, it isn’t hard to imagine that an accessory like earbuds could be easily smuggled out of the factory where they are being produced. But I think it’s also very possible that these are third-party earbuds that have been dressed up to look like Apple products.
It’ll be interesting to see if these earbuds really show up along with the iPhone 5.

iphone 5 with nfc chip

Another round of purported iPhone 5 photos have emerged, depicting the small component initially identified as NFC-related, but panned by others as false, due to the iPhone 5's metal back. More fakes, or more glimpses?
You want more salacious iPhone 5 photos? We’ve got ‘em! You’ll recall that just a few days ago we passed along some photos of purported iPhone 5 parts that were dubbed the “most comprehensive assembly” of the iPhone 5 that we’ve seen thus far. What was particularly interesting about these photos was the advent of a small chip to the right of the earpiece, which was assumed to be the long-rumored NFC chip. The next day, Jim Dalrymple and co. panned the photos as false, since the metal back of the iPhone 5 — which Dalrymple tacitly confirmed — couldn’t work with NFC. And the fact that the photos didn’t have any shot of the back seemed conspicuous at best.
Today, we have a new set up photos depicting the same little chip, and once again, no view of the back to see if it compared with the metal back of the early 9to5mac photos. Do these new photos answer any questions, or just raise more of them?
The photo at the top of the article comes from Nowhereelse.fr, and compares the top assembly of the purported iPhone 5 to that of the 4S. Notwithstanding the fact that this top assembly looks like the one we saw the other day, to me — a guy who admittedly doesn’t understand the guts of iPhone — it looks as if the added components around the supposed NFC chip, like the camera lens, is being blocked by that plate. Come to think of it, so too are the earpiece components. Why can’t we see what’s behind that?
And finally, why are the iPhone 5 and 4S photos so incongruous? With the iPhone 5, I see a lot of screws and components, making the 4S seem stripped down. To me, that’s fishy. Couldn’t the photographer dress up the 4S with comparable components of its own so that the assemblies are equally complete. Or is this an equal comparison? If so, Apple is doing things quite differently on the new phone, as it looks to be held together with a bunch of little screws.
Take a look at this side-by-side to see what I mean:
iphone 4s and 5 side by side
And as I mentioned in my last article about the whole NFC chip/metal back issue, it’s odd that we never see the back of the iPhone in these photos, either. Why not? The back of the iPhone 5 that 9to5mac showed us caused quite a discussion, what with its slightly color-mismatched metal section that connected with the top and bottom pieces. People debated whether they liked or disliked that look, but everyone agreed that it was metal we were looking at.
If we are to believe that these new photos are of the same iPhone 5 units, then show us the backside.

Somewhere out there, someone wants us to believe that this is the iPhone 5. In fact, there’s a whole lot of people in the tech media who want us to believe that the iPhone 5 has practically been in plain sight for months with all of these sightings. But with each passing set, there always appears to be something not quite right.

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