Rumors Suggest Thinner, Large-Screened iPhone 5 Coming, But Are These New Features Necessary?

As new in-cell technology rumors spread, suggesting a thinner iPhone 5 with larger screen, one question remains: are the current iPhone screen dimensions a real problem for iPhone users?

Doubtless you’ve noticed that a new crow of in-cell technology rumors have made their way into the rumor mill recently. It isn’t the first time we’ve heard about the in-cell rumors, but with new reports that iPhone 5 production is finally ramping up, the fact that we’re sniffing new in-cell rumors helps to perhaps somewhat crystallize the prospect of that technology actually turning out to be a reality on the new iPhone.

According to CRN:

“According to a report Tuesday from The Wall Street Journal, people familiar with the matter said both Sharp and Japan Display, a joint venture comprised of three Japanese tech companies, already are ramping up production of LCD displays for the new iPhone’s screen. They also said these displays are based on in-cell, a new design process in which the screen’s touch sensors are embedded directly within the LCD, eliminating the need for a separate touch-screen layer.

The result is a much thinner screen and one that boasts higher-quality graphics than non-in-cell displays, the report said.”

Making products thinner is an age-old Apple trick, and something that they always appear to be ready to do, whether it be iPhones or MacBooks. We’ve debated how critical it is to actually make the iPhone 5 any thinner than the current iPhone, and whether or not that kind of feature would greatly enhance the mobile computing experience. But what about the larger screen? How necessary is it for the iPhone 5 to feature a bigger screen than that of every iPhone iteration that has come before it?

Few people seem willing to pose this question, since a larger screen has always been at the heart of iPhone 5 speculation. But in spite of the fact that users and tech media seem to be “calling” for a larger screen for the iPhone 5, there are factors involved that suggest the iPhone 5 could very well sport the exact same screen and perimeter dimensions as the current iPhone. Steve Jobs, after all, famously boasted of the iPhone’s dimensions as truly optimal; he felt as though he had struck a balance between size, functionality, and compactness in the iPhone’s overall size. And for as much as it might seem easy to dismiss Jobs’ love of the current iPhone’s screen dimensions as ego-driven, the iPhone has gone on to be the best-selling single smartphone on the market today — and its size and ergonomics play some role in its success.

It also stands to reason that Jobs stacked the deck of designers at Apple for the iPhone who shared some of his fundamental design beliefs. This isn’t to say that Tim Cook and company are in lock-step with Steve Jobs’ vision of the future for the iPhone and other Apple products — he loved having debate and differing opinions at Cupertino — but to me, it would seem that if Apple chooses to sport a larger display on the iPhone 5, it will be a decision borne less out of a design aesthetic, and more out of a reaction to the iPhone’s current competitors.

And that just doesn’t seem like the Apple we know and love.

The fact is, mobile users adapt very quickly to the size of their devices’ displays. Whether you’re working on an iPhone or Galaxy Note, it doesn’t take that much time or require that much cranial strain to eventually come to navigate a touch screen, regardless of its size. I would even argue that if the iPhone ended up sporting a smaller screen, users would adapt to it in a matter of days.

Thus, I think that the call for a larger-screen iPhone 5 is less about a widespread frustration with the current iPhone’s screen size, and more about people reacting to what they’re seeing with competing devices, vis-a-vis the GS3. It’s a the grass is always greener kind of reaction.

I may be wrong. But if I was wrong, I think that the sales numbers would bear out my flawed thinking: as the screen sizes of competing Android devices grew, there would be a converse drop-off in iPhone 4/4S sales over the past few years if fact the screen size of the current iPhone was a big problem.

The fact is, it’s not a “big problem.” It really isn’t. If you recall the poll that was taken after the announcement of the iPhone 4S last year, it wasn’t the lack of a larger screen that users were most disappointed with; it was the lack of 4G LTE.

At this point, there is much more to point to in the rumor mill to suggest that the iPhone 5 will indeed sport a bigger screen. And maybe that’s something that you’re looking forward to. But you should keep an open mind going into the iPhone 5 announcement, since it is a possibility that the screen might in the end stay the same size, or at the very least, only marginally increase, so as to keep the original design specs of the iPhone intact.

You might want Apple to react to the industry trend of 4-inch-plus smartphone displays. but that doesn’t mean that Apple wants the same thing.

Do you think that the iPhone 5 desperately needs a larger screen? If so, make your case for it here! And be sure to list all of the current and previous iPhones you’ve owned, and explain how you managed to survive all this time with the iPhone’s supposedly inadequate 3.5-inch display dimensions. :-)

Yet Another Purported iPhone 5 Part Photo, Featuring Centered FaceTime Camera

iphone 5 centered front-facing camera

New, purported iPhone 5 front piece appears to match up with the 9to5Mac prototypes, depicting a centered FaceTime Camera. But are all of these images adding up to consensus, or confusion?

If you are one of the iPhone enthusiasts out there who is not particularly excited about the longer iPhone 5 theory with stretched aspect ratio, then the recent parade of purported leaked parts cannot be good news for you. Ever since the release of the now-famous 9to5Mac iPhone 5 prototypes, virtually every subsequent iPhone 5 part that has leaked onto the rumor appears to match the original prototypes. This new one is no exception.

The new sighting was first reported on a Chinese tech website called, and appears to depict an iPhone 5 front casing that would appear to feature the same new aspect ratio that we’ve seen appearing on other parts leaks as well. TechCrunch reports the following about the new parts leak:

“They show that the front-facing camera for video chat has been centered above the speaker grill. This matches up splendidly with images shown by 9to5mac, especially since this image also shows a taller screen with the same exact width and bezels as the iPhone 4/4S.”

TechCrunch appears to have eyeballed the similarity between this piece and the prototype shots from 9to5Mac — there’s no indisputable match-up between them. But I think that the most interesting discussion topic about this particular parts leak is the appearance of a centered front-facing camera, and whether that subtle change proves this piece to be the ring thing or yet another bogus sighting.

While TechCrunch has reported on the this feature change, they haven’t really substantiated its purpose — and without a reasonable purpose for moving the front-facing camera to the top of the earpiece, its hard to understand why Apple would move it just for the sake of moving it. Looking at my iPhone 4, the off-center front-facing camera works like a charm — Apple obviously positioned it in such a way that offers the user an optimal functionality.

The only reason for moving the front-facing camera that I can imagine is that it could have something to do with an NFC transmitter being installed in the new iPhone 5 that would compete for space on the left-hand side of the device. You’ll recall that in some of the NFC-related patents we’ve looked at, the transmitter/antenna is placed on the left side of the schematic.

Take a look here.

Of course, it can also be argued that the original prototype photos of the iPhone 5 from 9to5Mac don’t seem to show anything within the chassis that points to NFC hardware on that side of the device. And herein lies the problem: it is just so easy for scammers to reverse-engineer fake parts based on the exacting specs of the original 9to5Mac photos. Because they gave access to such detail, they in essence gave schemesters everything they need to create bogus parts.

And that brings us back to the question posed at the beginning of this article: are all of these parts, which appear to match up with the original prototype, confirm the purported new design? Will the iPhone 5 essentially have this longer aspect ratio, an iPhone 4-esque look, and a metal back? Or do all of these parts add up to little more than static in the rumor mill?

For my part, I don’t think there’s an easy answer. From a design standpoint, there are believable elements to the 9to5Mac prototype and subsequent parts leaks: one could imagine Apple dreaming up the new aspect ratio as an answer to iPhone users’ call for a larger screen, while still maintaining some semblance of the original iPhone’s dimensions. And regardless of how you might feel about the iPhone 4 form factor, it still remains quite unique as far as smartphone form factors go — Apple could very well want to keep some of its iconic design.

And since TechCrunch and others are insisting that the iPhone 5 will herald in this new 19-pin dock connector — a design that we’ve seen in Apple patents — these parts and designs are not outrageous.

What is outrageous, however, is that in a year where the Apple chief himself talked about “doubling down” on security, why would we be seeing an unprecedented number of parts leaking into the rumor mill? After keeping the merely-refreshed iPhone 4S well under wraps until its announcement last fall, why would we be seeing the completely overhauled iPhone 5 from all these different angles?

Judging these new iPhone 5 designs is complex, because people’s’ love, hate, or indifference over what they are seeing gets mixed into whether or not the appearance of the parts themselves seems plausible or not. To me, they are two completely different discussion points: 1) do you think this is really the iPhone 5, and if yes 2) what do you think about it?

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