The new iPad also comes with the rumored A5X processor, which at times was assumed to be a refreshed, dual-core version of the A5. However, the A5X will deliver quad-core graphics and power a 5-megapixel backside illuminated sensor, 5-element autofocus lens, IR filter, and ISP. Plus, 1080p video recording, which will make the new iPad a pretty serious video device. Another nifty feature will be a voice dictation app, which will support multiple languages and allow users hands-free composition.
But what’s really impressive is that all of this new processing power will still serve up 10 hours of battery life, a not-so-sexy but appreciated feature, especially considering the battery issues on the iPhone 4S.
But what’s really impressive is that all of this new processing power will still serve up 10 hours of battery life, a not-so-sexy but appreciated feature, especially considering the battery issues on the iPhone 4S.
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