All Things Must Pass: In Spite Of Record Growth And Strong Forecasts, Apple’s Success Is Not Immortal

A new piece from the New York Times acknowledges the astounding past and present successes of Apple, quickly becoming the world’s biggest publicly held company. But for as much as Apple may seem unstoppable, financial analysts can already see the end of its success lifecycle.

When you consider the amount of time, energy, interest, and money that a large segment of the population invests into Apple, it’s difficult to imagine a day when the company could ever be eclipsed by another electronics giant. Could another company come along and be cooler than Cupertino? Could the iPhone — perhaps the world’s only product that doubles as a cultural artifact — be usurped by a new, novel device that makes our favorite smartphone seem outmoded?

Given the passing of Apple Founder and CEO Steve Jobs, who is largely accredited with the ingenuity of Apple’s landmark products, some imagine it to be a possibility. I’ve argued that Jobs’ role as pioneer and visionary at Apple is not dissimilar to Walt Disney, and his critical role in founding and launching the Disney empire. But just as it can be argued that the Disney brand has ebbed — or is perhaps even on the wane —  consumers wonder if Apple’s brightest days are now behind them.

According to an interesting new piece by the New York Times, that might be the case — and the reasons might be far more empirical than simply saying that the company will underperform due to Steve Jobs’ passing.

Writer James B. Stewart explains that, according to the mathematical proof known as the “golden theorem,” “Apple is so big, it’s running up against the law of large numbers.” The result is an insurmountable trajectory towards reaching critical mass and no longer being able to create significant growth — or at least the booming growth that we’ve come to associate with Apple. Stewart explains it this way: “To increase its revenue by 20 percent, Apple has to generate additional sales of more than $9 billion in its next fourth quarter. A company with $1 billion in sales has to come up with just another $200 million.”

Upon faced with this reality, some Apple fans might be compelled to pump their fists and proclaim the company’s infinite greatness, saying that no sales target is too big for Apple to hit. But that’s pie in the sky. This isn’t about “Apple hating,” it’s simply a numerical fact that, based on historical data, shows us that there is an inevitable rise and fall to great companies. Just as the great people who found them come and go in this world, so too do the businesses that bear their names and/or visions.

In this way, it becomes apparent that maintaining something like 20 percent growth will be impossible: “If you extrapolate far enough out into the future, to sustain that growth Apple would have to sell an iPhone to every man, woman, child, animal and rock on the planet.” We wrote an article a while back about how a study found that 35% of all consumers say they will purchase the iPhone 5. Even if that astounding number comes true, someday it still might not be enough to satisfy Wall Street.

When Apple Becomes “Too Big To Fail”

I’m a big fan of catch phrases — I think they’re hilarious. I particularly love how politicians and pundits pick them up and then cannot put them down. I’ve always been fond of the catch-all “What did the President know, and when did he know it?”  Or, a few years back, Al Gore (did you know there’s actually a tag for him on this blog?) injected the word zeitgeist into the yapping mainstream.

Actually, I hate that word.

More recently, we’ve become accustomed to the phrase “Too big to fail,” thanks in large part to the bailing-out of failing, flailing multi-billion, multi-national companies that are so massively important to the world economy that their failure could trigger chain-reactions that could usher in a Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome generation in the first world.

To date, Apple has been the antithesis of too big to fail — in fact, they have been the rare success story in a sea of economic malaise and destruction that has defined the past four or five years. No bailouts for Cupertino: they’re rolling in cash, and continuing to expand.

But is it impossible to imagine that a day will come where there is no more upside to Apple, the sheen will have come off of its brand, and yet the failure of the company would mean a chain reaction of layoffs and the destruction of massive market segments whose existences rely solely on its existence?

Stewart explains that massive companies of the past have already gone the way that Apple will someday go as well: “Other companies that have reached the top appear to have been felled by Bernoulli’s law [the golden theorem]. Cisco Systems held the top position and hit a market capitalization of $557 billion — larger than Apple’s — in March 2000, at the peak of the technology bubble. Its market capitalization today is about $100 billion, and shares are down nearly 80 percent since March 2000.”

And there are examples outside of the technology sector as well: “Exxon Mobil, recently displaced by Apple as the biggest company by market value, took over the top spot in 2006, seven years after the merger of Exxon and Mobil. At the end of that year, its market capitalization was $447 billion. Today it’s $35 billion lower. General Electric held the title for a number of years, most recently in 2005, when its market capitalization was $370 billion. Today, it’s just $205 billion.”

Given the record profits of oil companies over the past decade, the Exxon Mobil example really drives the point home: even their profits have not been able to  defy the law of unsustainable numbers. And this is a company that produces something that the world’s economy is predicated on. Considering that in only six years Exxon Mobile has lost $35 billion dollars in market capitalization, it isn’t impossible to imagine a period where Apple will similarly slip.

Let’s Enjoy The Apple While It Lasts

The good news, however, is that there is plenty of good news to overshadow the doom and gloom of long-term projections for Apple. Just as the “bad news” that the sun will someday die out is tempered by the fact that it is still tens of thousands of years away, so too is Apple’s supernova far off on the horizon. In spite of all these “golden numbers,” Stewart reminds us that Apple stock is still currently seen as undervalued, in spite of its $500 per share price tag. And we have what looks to be several years of exciting Apple products ahead of us: this year, the iPad 3 and iPhone 5 — and maybe even an iTV. Somewhere down the line, an iPhone 6.

It isn’t as if Apple will come crashing down in 2012, or even 2013 for that matter. But it isn’t a bad idea to take notice of a company like Exxon Mobile, or Cisco, or GE, or Microsoft, or AOL — all of whom at one time seemed unstoppable. When those companies began to decline, it affected people’s’ wallets, but not their hearts. Apple means something to its customers more than earnings on a tax form — their products are ingrained into people’s’ social, work, and entertainment lives. Imagine! In six years, Apple could be on the outside looking in on a new leader in technology. It’s not a matter of if — it’s a mat
ter of when

New Components, Form Factor May Drive Up iPhone 5 Price

Qualcomm Gobi 5 Chipset For the iPhone 5 & iPad 3The iPhone 5 wish list, which includes a bigger screen, 4G LTE, and a bolder processor, may all contribute to a heftier price tag. But mobile electronics customers seem willing to accept a price hike from Apple products, so long as they deliver on new features.

Because of the sustained excitement over the eventual iPhone 5 release, few consumers have contemplated whether or not the 2012 iPhone will usher in a price hike — nor do they seem to care all that much. It would seem that iPhone 5 hysteria has led to a money is no object mentality — people will do what it takes to ensure that they own it once it is released.

But a new article today from Phones Review argues that all of the new iPhone features that users are clamoring for in the iPhone 5 may very well lead to an increase in price that might take it out of the price range for struggling consumers who have less disposable income today than they did back when they bought their iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4. Mark Chubb, a favorite of ours over at Phones Review, explains that “Apple has been making a concerted effort to rid itself of its reputation for high-priced products, as seen with the efforts to keep pricing the same for the iPhone and as we’ve also seen with iPad pricing. However there has to be a limit to being able to do this and when looking at the specs that are anticipated for the iPhone 5 it makes us wonder if it would even be possible to keep pricing the same this time around.” He goes on to cite the laundry list of rumors specs for the iPhone 5, including a larger display, 4G LTE, the A6 processor, and perhaps a new camera sensor.

By keeping the same form factor with the iPhone 4S and virtually the same form factor with the iPad 2, Apple undoubtedly has been able to control production costs for both devices. In this way, Chubb argues that Apple has managed to diminish the sense that they only make premium-priced electronics, all while continuing to sell products with a high profit margin, reminding us that “although the contract-free prices are now slightly more than for the iPhone 4, the prices for the iPhone 4S on contract remained the same as for the iPhone 4.”

But does Apple really need to worry about the price of the iPhone 5?

If a recent study showing that future iPad 3 users don’t care price are true, then it would not seem so. Even current Kindle users, many of which most likely bought into Kindle because of its low price point, are overwhelmingly ready to onboard to the iPad 3 when it is released. These are all realities for the iPad 3, which doesn’t garner nearly as much buzz and excitement in the mainstream as the iPhone 5.

Finally, because analysts believe that the lion’s share of iPhone 5 and iPad 3 sales will be driven by users’ desire for 4G LTE on Apple devices, the thirst for LTE would seem to be strong than any concerns for spending a few extra bucks to get it. The bottom line is simple: as long as the iPhone 5 delivers on major changes in form factor and specs, consumers will be ready to foot the bill. And they will do so happily, no doubt.

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