Steve Jobs at last year's WWDC. Will he be unveiling the iPhone 5 at WWDC 2011?
Apple’s famed developers conference has traditionally served as the platform for announcing new iPhones. But a breaking news story from Wired suggests that the iPhone 5 will not be announced at the WWDC. What does this mean for the launch date of the iPhone 5? Read about it below:
To everything there is a season — except when it comes to Steve Jobs and Apple. Since the very beginning of the iPhone 5 rumor cycle, safe money has been on the prediction that the new iPhone would be announced sometime in June of 2011. After all, it was a reasonable assumption, since historically this is when the new iteration of iPhone is released. Few tech analysts have been willing to even imagine that this sacred iPhone cycle could ever be broken.
However, new reliable sources are suggesting that no new Apple hardware — including the much-anticipated iPhone 5 — will be making a debut at the WWDC in June of this year. This makes it even more likely that the iPhone 5 will have a late summer or early Fall 2011 release, just as the iPhone 5 News Blog has predicted all along.
This news comes from Wired, a reputable tech new source, citing “well-sourced Apple blogger Jim Dalrymple [who] claims there will be no iPad, iPhone or Mac hardware introduced at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference, which kicks off June 6 in San Francisco.”
Corroborating this rumor is a press statement from Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing Philip Schiller, who recently said, “At this year’s conference we are going to unveil the future of iOS and Mac OS. If you are an iOS or Mac OS X software developer, this is the event that you do not want to miss.”
Normally, the overt lack of any hardware mention would be suspect. But when you pair this statement with the rumor, it becomes more and more clear that the WWMD will not be about the iPhone 5.
So, is there anything to look forward to in June concerning the iPhone 5? Yes!
Mr. Schiller’s comment clearly paves the way for the launch of the new iOS 5 platform. Now, there is still a great deal of conjecture about whether or not iOS 5 will debut in the iPhone 5 or not. Many analysts out there have said iOS 5 will skip the iPhone 5 and instead land on the iPad 3 and iPhone 6. However, these are the same conservative analysts who have also contended that the iPhone 5 will be released in June, which is looking less likely. If the iPhone 5 isn’t released until late Summer or early Fall, there is a much higher liklihood that it will be equipped with iOS 5 as well.
And this would be a very good thing for the iPhone 5.
If the next iPhone is indeed called the iPhone 5,
and it features the A5 chip,
and it has iOS 5 installed, we might just start referring to it as the
555. (Which Thai iPhone users would find hilarious, since “555″ is their version of “LOL.”)
Whether you find it funny or not, it seems that the iPhone 5 is still on a trajectory for a later-than-usual release schedule. All of us will just have to grin and bear the wait. After all, patience is a virtue.
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